The workshop will take place on December 7th, 2010 in Room 7B.
08:00 - Welcome
08.15 - Invited Talk: Thomas Röfer
(DFKI, Bremen)
The B-Human
Approach to the RoboCup Standard Platform League
Session 1: Vision
09:15 - Vision
Calibration and Processing on a Humanoid Soccer Robot.
Piyush Khandelwal, Matthew Hausknecht,
Juhyun Lee, Aibo
Tian and Peter Stone
09:40 - Effective Real-Time Visual
Object Detection
Francisco Martin and Manuela Veloso
10:05 - Vision-Based Cognition of a
Humanoid Robot in Standard Platform Robot Soccer
Somchaya Liemhetcharat, Brian Coltin
and Manuela Veloso
10:30 - Coffee Break
11:00 - Plenary Talk in Ballroom 4
12:00 - Lunch Break
Session 2: World Modeling ( Room 7 B )
13:30 - Online Detection of Instability
for Robust Teamwork in Humanoid Soccer Robots
Kshirabdhija Nadarajan and Mohan Sridharan
13:55 - A Closed-loop 3D-LIPM Gait for
the RoboCup Standard Platform League Humanoid
Colin Graf and Thomas Röfer
Session 3: Motion and Sensing
14:20 - Robot Recognition and Modeling
in the RoboCup Standard Platform League
Alexander Fabisch, Tim Laue and Thomas Röfer
14:45 - Modeling Observation
Uncertainty for Soccer Playing Humanoid Robots
Stefan Kohlbrecher and Oskar von Stryk
Session 4: Posters
15:20 - Using visual attention in a Nao
humanoid to face the RoboCup any-ball challenge
Juan F. Garcia, Francisco J. Rodriguez,
Francisco Martin and
Vicente Matellan
Unified Humanoid Robotics
Software Platform
Stephen G. McGill, Jordan Brindza,
Seung-Joon Yi and Daniel D.
Controlled Kicking under
Samuel Barrett, Katie Genter, Todd
Hester, Michael Quinlan and
Peter Stone
Sophisticated Offline
Analysis of Teams of Autonomous Mobile Robots
Dirk Thomas, Dorian Scholz, Simon
Templer and Oskar von Stryk
Detection of
Rotational-Invariant Objects Through Regression
Susana Brandao, Manuela Veloso and Joao
Paulo Costeira
Session 5: Behavior Control
16:05 - Multiresolution Path Planning
in Dynamic Environments for the Standard Platform League
Ricarda Steffens, Matthias
Nieuwenhuisen and Sven Behnke
16:30 - Behavior-based Iterative
Component Architecture for soccer applications with the Nao humanoid
Carlos E. Agüero, Jose M. Canas,
Francisco Martin and Eduardo
16:55 - Optimizing Interdependent
Skills for Simulated 3D Humanoid Robot Soccer
Daniel Urieli, Patrick MacAlpine,
Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Yinon
Bentor and Peter Stone
17:30 - Panel Discussion:
Build vs. Buy vs. Simulate:
Different leagues for different aspects of the humanoid soccer
research problem.
18:30 - End
2009 Humanoid Soccer Workshop Humanoids 2010 Conference 2011 Humanoid Soccer Workshop