The 10th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots

The 10th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots
at 15th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots
Seoul, Korea, November 3rd 2015

Invited Presentation 10:00-10:30

Bernhard Hengst, University of New South Wales, Australia:

Winning the RoboCup Standard Platform League Competition

Winning the Robocup Standard Platform League World Championship is not accomplished in just one year, nor is it just a matter of writing effective software. The success of UNSW Australia can be attributed to the accumulation of experience since 1999, strong institutional support, and dedicated collaborative teamwork by a parade of talented students. This talk will summarise the key contributing innovations over the years and provide some insight into team organisation.

Slides: HSR_2015_Slides_Hengst.pdf

 2015 Humanoid Soccer Workshop                   Humanoids 2015 Conference